Sunday, May 30, 2010

Three cautions with mocking frameworks

[This was originally posted at]

I'm a big fan of unit testing. I think in many cases, it's faster to developer with unit tests than without.

Perhaps the biggest problem for writing unit tests is how to handle dependencies - especially in legacy code. For example, say you have a method that calls the database or file system. How do you write a unit test for such a method?

One approach is dependency injection - where you inject the dependency into the method (via some seam like a parameter or instantiate it from a config file). This is powerful, but could require rewriting the code you want to test.

Another approach is using mock or "isolation" framework, like TypeMock or RhinoMock. TypeMock lets you isolate an embedded method call and replace it with something else (the "mock"). For example, you could replace a database call with a mock method that simply returns an object for your test. This is powerful; this changes the rules of the game. It's great to assist a team in adopting unit testing because it guarantees that they always have a way to test even that difficult code. However, as Spiderman taught us, "With great power comes great responsibility". TypeMock is fire. A developer can do amazing things with it, but they can also burn themselves. If abused, TypeMock could:

  1. Enable developers to continue to write "spaghetti" code. You can write the most tangled, dependent code ever (with no seams), the kind of thing that would get zero test coverage, and TypeMock will rescue it. One of the key points of unit testing is that by writing testable code, you are writing fundamentally better code.
  2. Allow developers to get high test coverage by simply mocking every line. The problem is that if everything is mocked, then there's nothing real left that is actually tested.
  3. Make it harder to refactor because the method is no longer encapsulated. For example, say a spaghetti method has a call to a private database method, so the developer uses TypeMock to mock out that private call. Later, a developer refactors that code by simply changing the name of a private method (or splits a big private method into two smaller ones). It will break the related unit tests. This is the opposite of what you want - encapsulated code means you can change the private implementation without breaking anything, and unit tests are supposed to give confidence to refactoring.

TypeMock can work magic, but it must be used properly.

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